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A toggle represents a physical switch that allows someone to choose between two mutually exclusive options. For example, "On/Off", "Show/Hide". Choosing an option should produce an immediate result.



valueboolfalseCurrent value of the toggle.
labelstringA label for the toggle.
inlineboolfalseWhether the label (not the onText/offText) should be positioned inline with the toggle control.
onTextstringText to display when toggle is ON. Caution: when not providing on/off text user may get confused in differentiating the on/off states of the toggle.
offTextstringText to display when toggle is OFF. Caution: when not providing on/off text user may get confused in differentiating the on/off states of the toggle.
datastringAdditional data attached to the control. The value is passed in change event data along with a toggle state.


changeFires when the state of toggle is changed.